Paper Prototypes and Mockups
Storyboarding isn’t about “pretty pictures”
it’s about communicating ideas
Star People
Storyboards Should Convey
- Setting
- People involved(人)
- Environment(地點)
- Task being accomplished(事件)
- Sequence
- What steps are involved?(無需對界面做詳細展示,但是要展示界面扮演的角色)
- What leads someone to use the app?
- What task is being illustrated?
- Satisfaction
- What’s motivates people to use this system?
- What does it enable people to accomplish?
- What need does the system fill?
Benefits of Storyboarding
- Holistic focus: Helps emphasize how an interface accomplishes a task
- Avoids commitment to a particular user interface (no buttons yet)
- Helps get all the stakeholders on the same page in terms of the goal
Time Limits Help
Creating Paper Prototyping
6 Paper Prototyping Tips & Tricks
- Keep all your materials in one place! Small interface widgets tend to get lost or damaged easily(集中材料)
- Work quickly and make reusable components (buttons, etc)(重複利用原件)
- If something is difficult to simulate (progress indicators, right mouse menus, hyperlinks), have the user ask if it is available and then verbally describe the interaction
- Backgrounds (11”x14” poster board) can be useful to contain the prototype and provide context for the user
- Don’t be afraid to mix and match hardware and software! for instance, if size constraints are important, you might want to make a blinder using a photograph of the device that would be used and manipulate the prototype within the frame
- When appropriate, add context by including familiar operating system elements
Get Creative with Materials
- Widgets: Paper, Cardboard, Transparencies
- Connectors: Tape, Glue, Rubber Cement
- Drawing: Pens, Pencils, Markers
- ...and more
Lifalyze Video
Testing Paper prototyping
Try Prototypes with People
- Need a picture
- Test multiple
- Emphasis on conversation
Get users (and other stakeholders) to help design. Scaffold their efforts
Digital Mock-ups
當要討論細節和更精確的東西時,digital mock-up就派上用場了。
Beware Inappropriate Fidelity(精確度、保真度)
Form and Feedback Co-evolve
+Paper Prototypes and Mockups
+[Bill Buxton, Sketching User Experiences]
+[Bill Moggridge, Designing Interactions]
+[Carolyn Snyder, Paper Prototyping]
+[Michael Schrage, Serious Play]
+[Houde and Hill, What do Prototypes Prototype?]
+[Todd Zaki Warfel, Prototyping]
Faking it - Wizard of Oz
Wizard-Of-Oz Prototyping
Simulates machine behavior with human operators
Wizard of Oz Technique
- Make an interactive application without (much) code
- Front end interface
- (Remote) wizard controls user interface
- Makes sense when it’s faster/cheaper/easier than making real thing
- Get feedback from users people
- Hi-fidelity: users think it’s more real
- Low-fidelity: more license to suggest changes
“Why Start-Ups Must Pay Attention To What’s Behind The Curtain” Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ
Making a Wizard-Powered Prototype
- Map out scenarios and application flow
- what should happen in response to user behavior?
- Put together interface “skeletons”
- Develop “hooks” for wizard input
- Where and how the wizard will provide input
- selecting the next screen, entering text, entering a zone, recognizing speech, etc.
- remember that later you’ll need to replace with computer
- Rehearse wizard role with a colleague
Running Wizard-Powered Prototypes
- Practice with a friend first
- Once you’re comfortable, recruit “users”
- Two roles: facilitator and wizard.
- Facilitator provides tasks (paper) and takes notes
- Wizard operates interface (more authentic if hidden or remote)
- User feedback can be...
- Think aloud (speak freely as performing tasks)
- Retrospective追朔 (best when think aloud distracts, video helps)
- Heuristic evaluation (works with experts too)
- Debrief users (reveal wizard if needed)
Advantages of Wizards
- Fast (faster) and thus, cheaper and more iterative prototypes
- Creating multiple variations is easy
- More “real” than paper prototyping
- Identifies bugs and problems with current design
- Places the user at the center of development
- Can envision challenging-to-build applications
- Designers learn by playing wizard(我覺得的重要之處)
Disadvantages of Wizards
- Simulations may misrepresent otherwise imperfect tech
- May simulate technologies that do not exist (and may never)
- Wizards require training and can be inconsistent
- Playing the wizard can be exhausting
- Some features (and limitations) are difficult/impossible to simulate effectively
- May be inappropriate in some venues (e.g., home)
+Faking it - Wizard of Oz
+Steven Dow
+Sketching User Experiences:Getting the Design Right and the Right Design
Faking it - Video Prototyping
Benefits of Video Prototyping
- Cheap and fast(我強烈懷疑~"~)
- Great communication tools
- Helps achieve common ground
- Ideally, portable and self-explanatory
- Can serve as a ‘spec’ for developers
- Ties interface designs to tasks
- Aligns and orients interface choices
- Makes sure you have a complete interface
- And that there’s nothing extra(不做多餘的事)
What should the video show?
- Like a storyboard, the whole task, including motivation and success
- Establishing shots and narrative help
- Draw on tasks you’ve observed
- Illustrate important tasks your system enables
- Can help scope a minimum-viableproduct
- Changes what design teams argue about (in a good way)
What are the steps?
- Like anything, start with an outline (or your storyboards)
- Fine to extemporize
- Equipment
- a camera. Nothing fancy. Could be a phone, built-in laptop camera...
- people
- and a realistic location
- In general, focus on message more than production values
- Can use audio or a silent movie with title cards (audio can be finicky)
- Interface can be paper, mock-ups, code, or invisible (just showing the task)
- Can show both success and failure (of your interfaces and others)
- Edit as little as possible because editing is hugely time-consumng. (In-camera/pause editing is most efficient)
+Faking it - Video Prototyping
+[Wendy Mackay's materials]